Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ah, the Joys of Boys

A little over a year ago, when I found out that my little peanut inside of my was going to be a boy, I cried because I really wanted a girl but I quickly got over it and then I thought, "Hey, I got a pass on all that annoying girl stuff! Woo hoo!" But yesterday I went to CVS with the boys in tow to pick up some stuff that was on sale. One of those items happened to be Kotex pantiliners. I figured that I'd just pick them up, throw them in my cart, and be on my way to the next aisle. Nope, that didn't happen. So here's the convo that we had:

Garrett: What are those?
Kelly: Those are pantiliners.
G: But what are they for?
K: They're just things that girls use.
G: Yeah, but what are they for?
(at this point I'm desperately trying to think of something that will sufficiently answer his question while at the same time avoiding a whole topic about female menstruation)
K: Garrett, just be thankful that you're a boy and you'll never have to care what they're for.
K: Garrett, you put them in your underwear.
G: (giggling)

This just goes to show that just because you have boys doesn't necessarily mean you're off the hook on the feminine products discussion.

Totally off topic, but I just found out from that my car is the most frugal to own. Woo hoo!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Things I've Learned About Solids

Okay, Lucas and I have a budding relationship with the solids thing. We're both learning what we both like/don't like. I am also learning that this is yet another arena where he differs from his older brother. For the most part, Lucas likes pretty much everything you give him. Also, when he likes something, he's a member of the clean plate club. So here's what I've learned, in random order.

  1. Lucas has texture issues. Green veggies, for example. I've tried pureeing green beans and peas(not together) but those 2 are pretty darn hard to puree smoothly if you can get them smooth at all. The jarred stuff, however, he will eat. Bananas--same thing. Pureed all the way, no chunks please!
  2. Yogurt gets a big thumbs up! When all else fails, yogurt.
  3. Unsweetened applesauce works great with those hard-to-puree green veggies. Is it the smoothness? The sweetness? I don't know. But it works.
  4. Pureed fruit+oatmeal=great breakfast.
  5. Canned fruits(w/juice, not that heavy syrup stuff, watch your labels) pureed with a little of the juice is superfast, tastes a lot like the jarred stuff, and is much cheaper!
  6. Cheerios and those new Big Rice Krispies are the perfect baby snack or appetizer! Just throw a few on the highchair tray and you've bought yourself some time.( to make dinner, have a cup of coffee, whatever)
  7. Do not eat in front of Lucas unless you're prepared to share. Otherwise, see #6.

Friday, August 21, 2009

New gdiaper Convert...Hopefully

I've been holding out for a while on buying gdiapers because I just couldn't justify the cost of them due to the fact that I can get sposies cheaper than I can get the gdiaper inserts. But then I thought "But what about the cost to the environment?" Well, tonight I caved and placed an order for the starter kit and case of inserts. Green guilt got me. Now I'm checking all over the place looking for the cloth inserts. I'm going to get addicted, I know. I also know that I will never ever ever get Mark on board with this. We're obviously not going to be able to totally switch, but I want to at least try it out on weekends or when we're at home. Even when we're doing it this way it's less trash that we're contributing. I checked out the gdiapers website and they offer a cloth insert option but alas, the size I need is out of stock until the end of the month. So if anyone has any gdiaper tips, likes, dislikes, whatever--please share!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

blah. I'm melting.

I was going to write a post about Lucas and his cheerios and stuff but it's just too stinking hot to blog. So, is this heat turning anyone else's babies into crankasses? Remind me of this heat when I'm complaining about paying through the nose for heating oil this winter!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Grab A Pen And Some Paper...

...and write this down: Kelly Poulin missed a day of work.
Man, this bum leg really blows! I NEVER miss work. I have to be hacking up a lung before I will call out. I haven't missed a day of work due to illness/injury in over 3 years. I thought I would be OK and would be able to just hang out at prescription drop-off all day(since that spot requires the least bending) but since my job is not a sit-down one I discovered that standing on this leg that I can't bend just isn't going to work. I went in to work for an hour and the other tech told me to go home. So I'm typing here with my leg propped up on the exersaucer hoping that it gets better by tomorrow. Now I'm having mom-guilt because I feel I should have picked up the boys first. I called Dawn--my SIL who watches my boys during the day-- and she told me to leave them with her and pick them up later. She's the best.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Try It On Us

Here's a link to try a new coffee. Check it out. Thanks to Chelsea Said So!

Try It On Us

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What's the Lesson Here?

I believe that every event in life, good or bad, teaches a lesson whether you choose to see it that way or not. I learned a good one last night. After I got out of work I took a pretty nasty tumble in the parking lot on the way to my car. My foot caught in a pothole of sorts and I went flying. It was a kind of weird, slow-motion thing. This is what went through my head in a matter of seconds" "Oh my gosh, I'm FALLING!!!! Oh wait, no I'm not...Oh wait, yes I am!! Now how to stop this.." so I went with instinct and put my hands out to break my fall. So I was flat on the ground for about 1/2 a minute trying to figure out what the hell just happened and what my next step should be(Oh, by the way, thanks to the person sitting in the car who saw the whole thing but didn't get out to see if I was ok. Yes, I'm being sarcastic.) I decided I would just go home. So, I assessed the damage when I got home: scraped right hand, ripped pants to shreds on left knee, scraped skin on left knee(but no blood thank goodness). Okay, no swelling, only 1 big bruise, so why does my leg hurt like hell? As of now I can barely bend it without screaming in pain. Sure makes life interesting when your bathroom is upstairs. So anyway to the lesson part: Shave your legs daily. Why is this the lesson? Because I hadn't in a couple of days. Seems that we can no longer wear capris at work and I have to lead by example therefore I've been wearing long pants every day. Apparently I can wear a skirt that leaves my underwear color no longer a mystery when I bend over or makes it look like I'm wearing nothing underneath my lab coat but shorter pants are a no-no. But I digress. So I skipped a couple of days to save some time in the morning. Shaving today was painful to say the least.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Check It Out!

Check out 'Cause I said so! Seriously, this girl knows where the deals are! I just added her button on here so click on it and go! So if you like free stuff, household hints, and recipes, this is the place for you.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Vaca Recap

Well, we had a pretty decent vacation overall. The weather was fabulous for the first time this summer and we got some things done. We didn't end up going anywhere(and I'm NOT using the word "staycation" since I hate it). So nice, so relaxing. We were able to go to a Bean shindig which is always nice in of itself. This one, however, was extra special. It turns out that my grandfather has a half-sister who he just met this summer. She's 96, grampa is 86. This fete was about our families getting together and meeting. She looks fabulous! I hope I look that good at 96! Anyway, it was just so touching to see. Grampa didn't stop smiling all day! And I discovered that not only does my dad have a cousin who is named Bob, like him, but they both have daughters named Kelly! I pointed that out to Bob who said"You know, there just aren't enough names." We stimulated the economy(ie, spent a boatload of money on shopping and whatnot), had a beachday(where I stupidly got burned) and we cleaned the house. Exciting times in the Poulin house! Oh, we also had Poulins over to our house for lobster on our last vaca day. You know, my friend Erica from work was telling me the other day that the per-pound price of lobsters is currently less than the per-pound price of hotdogs. Crazy, huh! I'll take a red lobster over a red dog any day! The hot dogs, however, are much less of a pain in the ass to deal with, cooking and clean-up wise. Anyway, we had a good time together all week and that's what family vacation is all about!