Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Not much new in the P household except Lucas found his voice again and likes to yell. A lot. Not that he's mad, he just likes to yell.

Anyway, for the "hmmmm...." part: I was at work yesterday getting ready to get the info off of the calendar to do next week's tech schedule(days off, appts, etc). I was crossing off the days so people would know that day was closed to new requests and I crossed off...Thurs 9/31. I'm thinking "Hey, I thought Saturday was 10/3. What's up with that???" Um, yeah. The smarties at the company who made the calendar made a bit of a goof. But hey, if anyone needs their house cleaned from top to bottom for free then I'm available on 9/31!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hey Baby

If you check out my sidebar you'll see a new widget for "Hey Baby". Why is it there, you ask? Well the answer's Lucas' favorite song! Some moms sing lullabyes to their babies. I sing Gwen Stefani. I don't know why, but every time I start singing that to him he gets all excited and starts kicking his legs and giggles. It can bring him out of any sour mood. Hey, I'll do whatever works. I remember Garrett's song of choice was rather unorthodox as well. He chilled out to the Pepsi Cola song(remember those commercials back around '00 or '01 with the little curly-haired girl dancing and lip-synching? That one.)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Coffee Mix

A lot of the blogs I follow are sites that contain recipes so once in a while I think I'll throw one of mine in there. this one isn't my original recipe. I found it on the net somewhere and I forget where since I emailed it to myself so I could print it out. Anyway, if you like hot coffee beverages at home but hate paying 4 bucks for a teeny can, this recipe is for you.

Swiss Mocha Coffee Mix

1 c instant coffee
1 c granulated sugar
2 c nonfat dry milk
4 tsp cocoa powder
For Sugar Twin, use 10 tsp for 1 cup of sugar.
* You can also use decaffeinated coffee.

Put all ingredients into a blender or food processor(I used my hand blender); blend until powder consistency. Put mixture into a glass jar with a lid.

The jar I used was a repurposed 26 oz spaghetti sauce jar. It fits perfectly into one of those.

My sister watched my boys for me on Sunday so I could work and when I picked them up the empty jar from the last batch that I made for her was in Lucas' diaper bag. I called her on her subtle hint and I mixed up a batch for her today and it took me maybe 5 minutes, if that. I didn't calculate the cost but it's a lot cheaper than buying it! Suzy won't take $ for watching the boys(we have been each other's free babysitter for several years) but she will take gifts. So she's getting that and a candle I picked up for free with a coupon. Lest you think I'm cheap, I gave her full disclosure! I may be frugal but I'm not cheap!

Welcome Ladytoesocks!

I've lured my sister to the darkside. Bwahahahaha! She is now a proud blog owner. Of course, her life isn't the open book that mine is so she set her blog to private. She sent me an invitation to it so when it showed up in my email it said "You have an invitation from Ladytoesocks..." so I thought it was from a store that sells socks ttherefore I didn't open it right away but I thought "Wow C would like that place. She loves toesocks!" so to me that was kinda funny. Anyway, welcome!

I'm writing this post from my boudoir on my new laptop!! Woohoo!! Mr. P has been talking for a while about getting me one since my blogging and facebooking has been cramping his WoW style. So a couple of nights ago during one of my middle of the night 'net shopping trips (hey, had to replace the midnight snacking with something!) I was pricing netbooks at Ye Olde Bestbuy and discovered that laptops weren't that much more than netbooks so into the virtual shopping cart it went. I saved it until the next morning for Mark to look at to make sure it wasn't junk and now here we are! I'm going to add a random picture of something just because I can!