Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Coffee Mix

A lot of the blogs I follow are sites that contain recipes so once in a while I think I'll throw one of mine in there. this one isn't my original recipe. I found it on the net somewhere and I forget where since I emailed it to myself so I could print it out. Anyway, if you like hot coffee beverages at home but hate paying 4 bucks for a teeny can, this recipe is for you.

Swiss Mocha Coffee Mix

1 c instant coffee
1 c granulated sugar
2 c nonfat dry milk
4 tsp cocoa powder
For Sugar Twin, use 10 tsp for 1 cup of sugar.
* You can also use decaffeinated coffee.

Put all ingredients into a blender or food processor(I used my hand blender); blend until powder consistency. Put mixture into a glass jar with a lid.

The jar I used was a repurposed 26 oz spaghetti sauce jar. It fits perfectly into one of those.

My sister watched my boys for me on Sunday so I could work and when I picked them up the empty jar from the last batch that I made for her was in Lucas' diaper bag. I called her on her subtle hint and I mixed up a batch for her today and it took me maybe 5 minutes, if that. I didn't calculate the cost but it's a lot cheaper than buying it! Suzy won't take $ for watching the boys(we have been each other's free babysitter for several years) but she will take gifts. So she's getting that and a candle I picked up for free with a coupon. Lest you think I'm cheap, I gave her full disclosure! I may be frugal but I'm not cheap!

1 comment:

  1. sounds fabulous! I am gonna have to give it a whirl!!

    so my hair...its a litle box from walgreens called SPLAT. works fabulous. in fact i just bleached my hair for the first time and applied the pink after last week (been pink haired momma for many many months now). why did i do this? bc my bridal portraits are tomorrow!!! but even before the bleach the pink was very loud! I love it! SPLAT rocks. They have some great colors too! pink, blue, green, purple and a multi pak!!
