Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hey Baby

If you check out my sidebar you'll see a new widget for "Hey Baby". Why is it there, you ask? Well the answer's Lucas' favorite song! Some moms sing lullabyes to their babies. I sing Gwen Stefani. I don't know why, but every time I start singing that to him he gets all excited and starts kicking his legs and giggles. It can bring him out of any sour mood. Hey, I'll do whatever works. I remember Garrett's song of choice was rather unorthodox as well. He chilled out to the Pepsi Cola song(remember those commercials back around '00 or '01 with the little curly-haired girl dancing and lip-synching? That one.)


  1. Ha, the pepsi song. I sing weird songs to Violet too! Yesterday I was singing to her and 5 minutes into it I realize "Why the hell am I singing a Marilyn Manson song to an infant?" I always replace words with "baby" or "Violet" though :)

  2. K8, that's funny! I sub a lot of the words out too. In "Hey Baby" we're sipping on Enfamil!
