Thursday, April 11, 2013

Parallel Universes...

...or is it universi?  Anyway, Mr. P and I were talking about them the other day after watching a Justice League movie that Lucas is fond of.  He says that they some people say that they really do exist.  So if they do, there is another me out there who is drinking tea right now instead of coffee.  And another one who isn't drinking a beverage at all.  And another one who is on Facebook instead of writing this.  And another one who is playing with her kids.  And another one who is still at work because it's tax season and she stuck with accounting in college instead of changing her major.  And on and on and on.  Wouldn't it be hella cool to be able to visit these parallel worlds, just for curiosity's sake?  It just boggles my mind to think of how one seemingly benign decision can set the course for the future or alter it.  Or change nothing at all.