Saturday, July 25, 2009

One Lucky Mama

Sigh. I dare say I'm the luckiest mom on the planet. My 7-month old, Lucas, sleeps through the night, never cries, and is always happy. He also takes 2 hour naps. A lot of my FB and IVillage mom friends cannot say the same. That's why I don't often post on FB about my baby "STTN" or "not crying all day" or whatever. And food? He likes pretty much anything you put in front of him. Not to say that he doesn't have his favorites, but still! Otherwise I'd be posting all the time about him and it would come across as serious bragging. I feel badly for my fellow mamas when they have trying times. But for those who don't think I'm earning my infant mom badges, I'll let you know that I earned them around 9 years ago with Garrett! As an infant he was VERY trying to say the least. As a kid though, he's hard to beat. So for those mamas with trying babies, it does get better! Now I'm waiting for Lukey-loo to turn into a pumpkin.

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