Hmmm. Looks like I haven't written a post in a while. March has been quite a busy month here and I've barely had time to breathe! However, there has been a few things knockin' around in my head so here they are, in condensed form.........
I had to find a new daycare for Lucas. My fabulous SIL had been watching Lucas from the time he was 8 weeks old and I am very happy for the time he got to spend getting to know some of his cousins. I am also happy that he was with someone who loves him almost as much as I do! My SIL is preggo with #4 and chasing around little Lucas was getting to be too much. Flash-forward 2 weeks...he is now at a small daycare that I absolutely LOVE where he gets to play with a few other kiddos his age.
My Grammy passed away on March 18 at the age of 87. Now she can hang with Grampa and 3 of her kids who got to heaven before she did. Here's a couple of my favorite stories of Gram..
One weekend while Gram was visiting with my mom she was having a conversation with my sister. Gram said "You know, if there was birth control in my day, I wouldn't have had as many kids. I probably would've stopped at 4." (My mom is number 6 of 8.) My sister said "But Gram! If that happened then you wouldn't have mom and I wouldn't be here!" And to that, Gram said "I
know! Aren't you
My mom was raised in Brownville Junction, a small town in Maine. They lived pretty close to the railroad tracks. Back then there wasn't any soup kitchens. Therefore, there were "hobos" around looking for food. My grandparents were pretty poor themselves but one thing Gram was really good about was making sure everyone was fed. If someone came to her porch looking for something to eat, Gram always gave it to them.
My eyeball has been twitching for about 2 weeks now. I'm starting to turn into Chief Inspector Dreyfuss.
My entire household was sick last Friday and Saturday. Fun times! Nothing like simultaneous vomiting to bring a couple closer together. We all slept most of the day Friday and Saturday and most of us voluntarily fasted. I lost 6 pounds. Woo hoo! At least something good came out of it. The bad part--I was going to get a crapload of housework done because Mark and I actually had a weekend off together.
OK, why is it that kids are afraid they're not going to get anymore loot if they tell Mom and Dad that they no longer believe in Santa/the Easter Bunny/the Tooth Fairy? We practically had to drag it out of Garrett this weekend that he knew I put the candy out.